We have a fun filled day planned for Community Service. We need sewers, please bring your machine and basic supplies. We need pinner/ turners, please bring both pins and a turning tool. We will supply the irons for the ironers...please bring an ironing pad. We have 4 fun hand sewing projects, please bring a basic sewing kit with neutral, red, green, blue threads. Don't forget your scissors!
We need 4 fabric cutters, you'll need your rotary cutter and a mat.
If you have YoYo's that are 1 1/2 " finished already made and you are willing to share please bring them. We have a cute project designed for them.
Plan to stay until about 2PM, bring your lunch and enjoy the day with your friends. Last meeting we had great fun and we gave Fiber Arts 106 "thank you" gifts. Remember all of this is to benefit "Paws and Stripes" and are committed to providing 125 more. I know we will make our goal with the day we have planned. If you have any questions please call Barbara at 867-2138.