Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hello Everyone,
We had a fun meeting with the ladies that help run the show at Thimbleweed Quilters. I hope you take an opportunity to join in and support your friends in providing the many classes, projects and community service creations that are planned. Let's make this year an interesting and fulfilling year for Thimbleweed Quilters. 

On a side note, did anyone take a picture of me in my Photographer/Press outfit? If so, would you please share a copy with me? Email or text will work. Contact me at if you can share. Thank you!

Please check out the updates here on the blog. We have a new Show&Tell tab for 2017, There are updates in the Upcoming meetings and Quilt shows tabs and a new Community Service tab. Please be sure to check back often for updates on all these amazing events and opportunities to share your sewing and quilting skills.

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Testing Testing...

 Hello Thimbleweed Quilters. I am conducting a test to see if anyone is even looking at this blog anymore? Would you please email me (Daryl)...